CAIR Georgia to Sandy Springs: Reverse Jail Sentence Imposed By Judge Who Attacked Defendant’s Iranian Heritage

(ATLANTA, GA, 7/11/18) – The Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Georgia) has called on the City of Sandy Springs to reverse the ruling of a judge who expressed bigoted views toward an Iranian-American nursing student as she sentenced him to five months in jail for a misdemeanor violation. “Bigotry has no place in a court of law,” said attorney Edward Ahmed […]
CAIR Georgia Applauds Carter Center for Releasing Journal on Countering Islamophobia

(ATLANTA, GA – 7/10/2018) The Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations today applauded The Carter Center for releasing “Countering the Islamophobia Industry: Toward More Effective Strategies,” an academic publication featuring articles from experts and activists working to combat anti-Muslim bigotry in the United States and around the world, including CAIR Georgia’s executive director. […]
CAIR Georgia Speaks At #FamiliesBelongTogether Rally, Thousands March

(ATLANTA, GA – 6/30/2018) The Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations co-hosted and spoke at a Families Belong Together Rally in downtown Atlanta, one of dozens of similar marches across the nation. As many as 20,000 people joined the march to protest the Trump Administration’s policy of separating immigrant families who illegelly cross […]
CAIR Georgia Denounces Supreme Court’s Muslim Ban Ruling in Series of Appearances Across Atlanta

(ATLANTA, GA – 6/26/18) The Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations today denounced the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold President Trump’s third “Muslim Ban.” CAIR Georgia spoke out against the ruling during a series of appearances across Atlanta, including an interfaith press conference outside Ebenezer Baptist Church, a radio interview with Closer Look […]
CAIR Georgia Thanks Local Jail for Reversing Course, Allowing Muslim Inmate to Fast and Eat Kosher in Ramadan
(ATLANTA, GA – 5/25/2018) The Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations today thanked the Cobb County Jail for resolving a complaint filed by a Muslim inmate who had been denied the opportunity to properly break his Ramadan fast, as well as access to kosher food. “We thank the Cobb County Jail for quickly changing […]
Join CAIR Georgia’s Small Donor Campaign & Defend Civil Rights Every Month!
Donate Monthly to CAIR Georgia Asalaamu Alaykum! On behalf of the entire CAIR Georgia team, I thank you for supporting our civil rights work over the past year. Alhamdulillah, your donations helped us build a staff dedicated to serving, protecting, and advocating for Georgia Muslims. This Ramadan, your generous sadaqa and zakat donations will, insha […]
Civil Rights Groups Help Defeat Every Anti-Immigrant Bill At Georgia State Capitol

(ATLANTA, GA – 4/2018) The Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations today celebrated the defeat of SB 452 and other anti-immigrant legislation during Georgia’s legislative session. The legislation would have placed both documented and undocumented immigrants in Georgia at risk of indefinite detention and deportation for even minor infractions. CAIR Georgia staff attorney […]
Hundreds of Georgians March in Protest of Trump Embassy Move, Israeli Govt’s Massacre of Gaza Protesters

(ATLANTA, GA – 5/15/2018) On Tuesday, May 15th, a coalition of Georgia activists plans to hold an interfaith march to protest President Trump’s decision to move the American Embassy in Israel, as well as the killing of 58 Palestinian protesters at the hands of Israeli military snipers. During the protest, event sponsors Jewish Voice for Peace-Atlanta, Black Lives Matter-Atlanta, the […]
CAIR Georgia Lobbies Washington Lawmakers During 4th Annual Muslim Hill Day

(WASHINGTON, DC – 5/8/2018) The Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations traveled to joined the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations’ fourth annual National Muslim Hill Day in Washington, DC. During the two-day event, American Muslims from across the country gathered in Washington to lobby their congressional representatives about various topics. This year’s Georgia delegation […]
CAIR Georgia Thanks Prosecutors For Increasing Charges Against Man Who Tried To Strangle Muslim DoorDash Driver

(ATLANTA, GA, 5/11/2018) — The Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Georgia) today thanked law enforcement for upgrading the misdemeanor battery charge against Rick Painter to felony charges of false imprisonment and aggravated assault. SEE: Updated Court Docket, State of Georgia vs. Rick Painter Painter was arrested on May 5th and charged with battery after he allegedly attacked […]