Video: CNN Interviews CAIR Georgia Exec. Director After Portland Hate Crime

Video: CNN Interviews CAIR Georgia Exec. Director After Portland Hate Crime

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Screen shot 2017-05-29 at 1.23.30 PM.png(ATLANTA, GA – 5/28/17) The Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations today appeared on CNN International to discuss how Georgia Muslims are reacting to an Islamophobic hate crime in Portland, Oregon.

Last week, an anti-Muslim bigot harassed two Muslim teenagers on a public train, and then stabbed three men who intervened to stop him. Two died.

American Muslims have already raised over $200,000 for the families of the victims, mA. Donate here.

Video: CAIR-GA on CNN International, 5/28/17 

CAIR-GA also called on President Trump to repudiate the attack, encouraged Georgia Muslims to purse training in self-defense, and called on American Muslims to engage in interfaith dialogue during Ramadan.