Invite: Georgia’s Muslim Community To Counter Anti-Muslim Hate Rally With An Interfaith Food Drive

Invite: Georgia’s Muslim Community To Counter Anti-Muslim Hate Rally With An Interfaith Food Drive

(6/5/17 – ATLANTA, GA) The Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations today announced that it plans to co-host an interfaith gathering and food drive, on Satuday, June 10th at 11 am. The community service event, “No To Extremism & Bigotry. Yes to Service & Unity,” comes in the wake of hate crimes here at home, terrorist attacks overseas, and “anti-Sharia” hate rallies planned for 23 cities on June 10th, including Atlanta.

In a statement, CAIR Georgia Executive Director Edward Ahmed Mitchell said:

“As if the recent wave of hate crimes and terrorist attacks were not bad enough, an anti-Muslim hate group plans to hold “anti-Sharia” protests across the nation on Saturday, June 10th, including here in Atlanta. How should Georgia Muslims react?

“Our faith teaches us to respond to such wrong with good. To that end, please join Georgia’s Muslim community for an Interfaith Day of Service this Saturday, June 10th, from 11 am to 1 pm in Atlanta. Bring along nonperishable food items to donate as you listen to speakers from diverse communities make their voices heard: “No To Extremism and Bigotry. Yes To Service and Unity.” We will announce the Atlanta location soon, God willing. In the meantime, email Ruwa Romman at [email protected] if your masjid, church, synagogue, temple or organization would like to join, donate or speak at the event. Join us in responding to wrong with good, as the Quran, the Bible and other scriptures teach.”

Current Event Co-Sponsors:

Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Atlanta
Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice
CAIR Georgia
Muslim American Society
Masjid Al-Momineen
Masjid Omar Bin Abdul Aziz