CAIR, CAIR-GA, Atlanta Multifaith Coalition Call on Georgia’s Elected Leaders to Boycott Netanyahu’s Address to Congress

(ATLANTA, GA, 7/23/2024) – The Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and its Georgia chapter (CAIR-Georgia) today joined the Atlanta Multifaith Coalition for Palestine (AMCP), a large group of multiethnic, multiracial, multigenerational coalition of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim leaders in holding a press conference to denounce Netanyahu’s visit to U.S. Congress and called on Georgia elected […]
CAIR, CAIR-Georgia Welcome Delta Apology for Anti-Palestinian Twitter Post

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today welcomed an apology from Delta Air Lines for a now deleted anti-Palestinian tweet agreeing with the false claim that a Palestinian flag pin worn by a flight attendant was a “Hamas badge.” CAIR yesterday called on the airline to apologize. In a […]
CAIR-Georgia Issues Warning to Muslim Community Regarding Targeting and Harassment of Georgia Muslims, Palestinian Rights Advocates

(ATLANTA, GA, 07/11/2024) On Thursday, July 11, 2024, the Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Georgia) issued a critical warning to the Georgia Muslim community to watch out for bad actors that target, defame, and harass Muslims, Arabs, and pro-Palestine activists. This warning is issued in light of a recent attack to silence […]
See Dr. Isam Vaids’ Resignation Letter to Emory University
CAIR-GA Says Emory U. Must Institute Inclusive Search, Hiring Process for Muslim Chaplain, Stop Tokenizing Muslim Students

(ATLANTA, GA, 6/24/2024) – The Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Georgia) today said it sent a letter to the Emory University president on behalf of Emory University’s Muslim Students Association (MSA), Graduate Muslim Student Council (GMSC), and the Muslim Student Search Committee, urging the university to honor students request to institute an inclusive search […]
Email sent to Georgia State University Faculty by CAIR-Georgia Director, alerting the college on Legally Actionable First Amendment and Title VI violations.
Read Title VI Complaint Against Emory University by CAIR-Georgia and Palestine Legal.

CAIR-Georgia Condemns School’s Attempt to Ban Student Protests

(ATLANTA, GA, 5/14/2024) – The Georgia chapter of the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Georgia) today condemned an attempt reportedly made by the principal of Innovation Academy Fulton County Schools Scott Kent to ban student protests. In an email sent to Innovation Academy parents and students on May 8, 2024, the principal allegedly threatened punitive action against […]
CAIR-GA, Pal Legal Welcome the Launch of Department of Education Investigation into Alleged Anti-Muslim Discrimination at Emory University

CONTACT: Azka Mahmood, CAIR-Georgia Executive Director, [email protected] (Atlanta, GA, 5/2/2024): The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) opened an investigation into Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, on Tuesday, after students filed a federal civil rights complaint on April 5th, 2024 for severe anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, and Islamophobic discrimination on campus. The decision to […]
CAIR-Georgia Condemns Use of Force, Arrests of Pro-Palestine Protesters at Emory University.

(ATLANTA, GA – 4/25/2024) – The Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-GA), a chapter of the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today condemned the use of Tasers and tear gas to break up a protest in solidarity of Palestine at Emory University. “CAIR-Georgia strongly condemns the use of force and arrests against […]